CEO Onboarding

Hiring a CEO is one of the board’s most important responsibilities. CEO selection and appointment is costly, and failing to properly acclimate the new leader to the organization costs more.

We often hear board members comment that the former CEO ”failed to understand who we are….. they just didn’t get the culture”. Many times this failure to understand the organization can be traced back to a weak onboarding process, an uneven transition experience, poor communication, or all of the above. Shaping the CEO’s understanding of the organization early in their tenure helps them deliver on expectations and lead more effectively.

We follow a structured onboarding process to facilitate a CEO’s successful transition into their new role. Our process helps CEO’s avoid many of the cultural and leadership pitfalls that can derail even the most accomplished executive.

We work with CEO’s new to their organization, taking the helm for the first time, and/or looking to implement cultural change.

Onboarding Process Orlando

Our Onboarding Process

  • Structured process with defined milestones
  • Specific deliverables and outputs
    • 100-Day Plan
    • Vision Statement & Agenda for Change
    • Communications and Buy-in Plan
  • Establishes a transition team with a dedicated sponsor
  • Deliberate feedback mechanism at predetermined intervals
  • Clear, well defined critical success factors

CEO Onboarding Orlando

Clear Benefits to the Organization

  • Creates a clear communication mechanism between the transition team and the CEO.
  • Aids in early detection and communication of skills, habits, and/or areas of focus that need modification.
  • Shortens the lead time for positive impact and benefit to the organization.
  • Aids the CEO in navigating and managing board dynamics – Getting off on the right foot.
  • Facilitates aligning the new team behind a clear vision for the organization.
  • Avoids potential derailment pitfalls